why take strontium on empty stomachare zane and chandler smith related

The differences in strontium incorporation into bones were further analyzed at a microscopic level using the X-ray microanalysis technique, and the influence of the presence of strontium on the size of the crystal was studied by X-ray powder diffraction and Raman microspectrometric techniques. I very much hope this information will be helpful for you. First of all, 750 mg/d is an excessively high dose higher than that used in all the research Ive seen on strontium. Hello I had a 24 hr clearence test and yhe last one was 72 measure should I take Strontium? It has not. Its not small amounts remain and are what cause the adverse effects seen with Strontium ranelate and NOT seen with S. citrate. I was put on several new medications for the heart disease (blood thinner, beta blocker, aspirin, statin, and blood pressure!) Our susceptibility to thumb joint pain increases as we age. Re strontium I have not heard of its causing diarrhea (sorry, less delicately phrased), but the first rule, ALWAYS, is to trust YOUR own body and its reactions to anything recommended. Laboratoire dHistodynamique Osseuse, Facult de Mdecine R. Laennec, 69372, Lyon Cedex 08, France. Strontium ranelate improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture in intact female rats. In contrast, ranelic acid is an unnatural, lately created in a lab, compound, which, the research indicates, increases your risk for venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome, among other unpleasant side effects. I looked at Dr. Mumbys article he also provides no references (and I sure wish he had specified the type of vitamin K2 he is referring to when suggesting a 10 milligram daily dose is MK-4! I recently did a test for toxicity from QuickSilver. 17, no. We do not eat meat, but if you do, be sure you choose meat from pasture-fed animals, not feedlot beef or cows that are given corn (which is typically GMO as well!) This is because food and some drinks can affect the way these medicines work. AlageCal is harvested sustainably as evidenced by IBD and IBAMA / Aquamin is not sustainable as evidenced by their move from Ireland to Iceland for harvesting The long list of adverse side-effects attributed to strontium ranging from commonly seen adverse effects like nausea and skin irritation to possibly deadly effects like venous thromboembolism and serious autoimmune reactions, such as DRESS are caused by ranelic acid (the ranelate portion of strontium ranelate). If you do not wish to own a copy, you might be able to have a friend here check it out for you to read while you are visiting. DXA measures bone quantity, not quality. Im sorry to hear about sisters! Supplemental strontium should be avoided in individuals with a creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis. Esomeprazole magnesium may increase the levels of saquinavir in your body. And chronic low grade inflammation, regardless of its source, activates our bone-resorbing cells, which are called osteoclasts, continuously and thus promotes bone loss. J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:1526-36.) Dear Lara, How long is it safe to use at the full recommended dosage and at what dosage is it safe to use after reaching the normal levels? If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. We now have evidence that the degree of mineralization of bone tissue strongly influences not only the mechanical resistance of bones but also the bone mineral density. Other studies a number of which are cited in the above 2 papers have also shown that weight-bearing and high impact exercise prevents bone loss and helps prevent fractures, both by maintaining and/or improving BMD and by improving balance, thus preventing falls. Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. https://www.algaecal.com/shop/ Also, if used, would there be any conflict issues with strontium and its effect of bone building or in the same way as there are with strontium/calcium. Try taking 150 mg of magnesium citrate along with one capsule of P-5-P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) in the evening along with your Strontium Boost. You are most likely an ambassador of new information for your doctor, and hopefully, what will be learned will get passed on to help other patients as well. D3, K2, BORON & STRONTIUM: Bone growth is a complex process that requires many different nutrients. Also, you want to consume approximately twice as much calcium (from food and supplements) as strontium. That makes sense about the calcium dosage; the online label didnt say how often to take it. You may need to take iron with a small amount of food to avoid this problem. The form of strontium you should consider taking is strontium citrate NOT strontium ranelatethis form has caused many adverse effects, which I have written about at length both in my book Your Bones, 2nd edition and on AlgaeCals blog. Aquamin has done one absorption study where PTH response is measured. She had a Kidney Stone. With the use of AP,SB, women are gaining 1.04% BMD on average (i.e., some even more, some a bit less) when they should have been losing 1-2%. 2014 Oct 7;4(10):e005787. Reviewed in the United . I am not a milk drinker and eat limited dairy products so I am unsure of the additional amount of calcium that I am consuming during the day. The new article covers all the latest research and will answer your questions and concerns in (probably far more) detail than you want to wade through! For most everyone, citrate is REALLY good for us its metabolized in the body as an alkalinizing agent in other words, it promotes an alkaline pH inside our cells. (Kinetics is the study of the rate at which chemical processes occur.) PURPOSE: To study the correlation of intestinal absorption for drugs with various absorption routes between human and rat, and to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms for the similarity in drug intestinal absorption and the differences in oral bioavailability between human and rat. Am J Public Health. The optimal duration of use of Boniva has not been determined. I take a 1000 mcg. for it at that time. I have found what works is 2 Algae Cal at breakfast, 1 at lunch, and 1 at dinner and all is well. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help with! The diuretics has been stopped. "He didn't do it. Has anything else diet or medications or an infection, like the flu changed recently? (Having the flu can depress your stomachs ability to secrete stomach acid for a bit, so can antibiotics if youve been told to take them for any reason.) I suggest you take double the usual dose of Triple Power (so 2 TBS instead of one) for 6 weeks, then you may be able to drop down to 1 TBS without experiencing a recurrence of your thumb joint pain. What everyone heard about was radioactive strontium for building atomic bombs and no company was willing to launch healthful strontium products with public perception as it was. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080728081346.htm (actual paper: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cncr.23674) The GAIL score discussed in this paper relates to indicators of a womans lifetime risk for invasive breast cancer. If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. My understanding is that Supplement Facts are required to list the amount of the element (in this case, strontium). The drug form has been shown to greatly increase risk for venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the deep veins very dangerous) and DRESS syndrome (if you develop a rash while taking strontium ranelate, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY; DRESS syndrome is very serious, requires quick treatment and possibly hospitalization). Does anyone have any information about the dangers to my baby? You could contact them and ask them what they do to ensure their products are free of heavy metals and other contaminants. Sign up to receive exclusive offers, bone-healthy recipes, exercises for osteoporosis and all the latest bone health studies directly to your inbox. But remember, YOUR body may prefer a lesser dose, period. Its usually a Friday or Saturday night treat for him. AlgaeCal Plus provides the key nutrients our bones must have to maintain themselves, regardless of our age, and in amounts shown in the research to be sufficient for most people. Hello again Lara: An acidic pH, which many of us typically have because we eat the standard Western diet, contributes to bone loss. sml, Hi sml, (And he is MUCH happier! I have a question re. 2017 Feb;105(2):433-442. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35917. Osteoclasts: Strontium inhibits the production of these bone-resorbing cells and the rate at which they remove old bone I believe these are open to the public. as this happens from time to time. NO adverse side effects. Lastly, and to me the most important point, is that strontium does not improve bone health, resistance to fracture, by increasing BMD. For my post on strontium on AlgaeCal.com, I did review more than 70 studies, but not all the studies I cite there apply specifically to your question about an appropriate maintenance dose of strontium for you. It did though. Hi Kay, One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. It is best to take strontium supplements and calcium at different times of day to get the most benefit. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. You are most likely to be having a reaction to something in your environment a housecleaning, hair or body care product you are using. Equating them is like suggesting sodium chloride (table salt) and sodium bicarbonate (baking powder) are the same. K2 is supposed to direct it to the bones and teeth and not the arteries. Hi Tammye, A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was undertaken in 353 osteoporotic women with at least one previous vertebral fracture and a lumbar T-score <-2.4. When availableas now in our gardenI top my raw greens salad with some fresh blueberries. It is required for a reaction that occurs in the kidneys in which vitamin D is converted into its most active form (the form in which it is going to enable your body to effectively absorb calcium) and for the conversion of estrogen into the form in which it increases the bones absorption of magnesium, a key component of the crystal latticework that gives structure to our bones, (and yes, men produce and need a wee bit of estrogen; this tiny amount is critical for mens bone health). In the research on postmenopausal women, the amount of strontium shown to be effective in helping to increase BMD is 680 milligrams per day. 2001 Sep;69(3):121-9. It's not known if strontium. In Your Bones, I explain how to determine if your diet is too high in protein for YOU. A radioactive form of strontium may kill some cancer cells. That currently is only possible after removing the bone, ashing it and chemically analyzing the minerals. I read the research. The effects of strontium ranelate on the risk of Re exercise it should be weight bearing or resistance exercise and daily if possible. Why? I have seen a number of studies showing that unless the subjects took at least 800 IUs of vitamin D there was no improvement in the measured parameters. Is their anyway to keep the bones healthy, as the doctors have said it is uncurable. Osteoblasts: Strontium increases the rate at which these bone-building cells are produced and increases their lifespan Ive been trying to see what the basis of the reduction of risk to breaking a bone statement below is based on and have looked at the two abstracts shown in the studies referenced. Once bone health is restored, a maintenance dose of 340 mg per day should be both safe and sufficient. FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. Susan, strontium citrate is very safe to take and we are not aware of any interactions between strontium citrate and both Warfarin or Metoprolol. Here are a few quotes (italics added by me) from this paper, again stressing that strontium deposits primarily in trabecular bone: Again research seems to be quite limited but is apparently on-going and seems to be promising. 2014 Aug;19(4):739-43. doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7. Getting adequate vitamin K2 is clearly important for maintaining bone strength but not everyone can afford to get K2 from supplements and getting adequate K2 from natural foods is not easy either. Although my bones have now been in excellent shape for several years (I was still osteopenic when I began taking AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost, which fully restored the health of my bones after just 6 months), I continue to take Strontium Boost as well as AlgaeCal Plus to ensure my bones remain strong and healthy. I will be having a DEXA scan next month to determine if the strontium citrate and algae cal plus that I presently take have been effective in increasing my bone density. Hi Lara, Thanks so much for your fantastic reply. I also discuss bone building exercises and diet. Please advice. If you still have symptoms at this half dose, please ask your doctor about running a CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis) or the OAT (a far more comprehensive test, the Organic Acids Test) to check whats in your gut. The 3 Different Types of Strontium Salts You Should Know About, Myth#1: Strontium Increases Fracture Risk, Myth#2: Strontium Supplements Have Side Effects, Myth#3: Strontium Skews DEXA Results Too Much To Be Reliable. Ive seen this mentioned in comments on several websites. Shouldnt the label reflect the actual percentage? Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! Various anti-osteoporotic agents are available for clinical use; however, there is still a need for drugs able to positively influence the coupling between bone formation and bone resorption to increase bone mass and bone strength. Strontium increases the production of osteocalcin He was taking all this impassively, for the most part ignoring her, but giving the occasional monosyllabic answer. She is only 18 years of age, also it is secondary cancer not the primary. One other bit of information about calcium this mineral plays MANY essential-to-life roles in our bodies besides its use in our bones and teeth. All the ranelic acid present in strontium ranelate does not quickly disassociate from strontium in the digestive tract; some strontium ranelate is absorbed intact. In other words, your DXA BMD score is, in fact, an estimate its a very good estimate, but it is not 100% an accurate number in the way you are using this adjective. I have a hard time with taking the strontium at night. I hope this answers your question I realize I sound like a broken record here, but the point is that even though SOTI and TROPOS showed beneficial effects on bone from strontium ranelate, we can have these benefits using a natural form of strontium (like strontium citrate) without the health risks (and high financial costs) of taking the patent medication. It is generally agreed that bone strength depends on the bone matrix volume and the microarchitectural distribution of this volume, while the degree of mineralization of bone tissue is almost never mentioned as a determinant of bone strength. Some responded quickly;others took several months to get back to me but all responded eventually and have been most helpful. Heres the citation for the most recent paper on this research: Moise H, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. I hope you will give AlgaeCal a try when you need to reorder you calcium supps. In sum, calcium has plenty to do for us in addition to its use in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Could you let me know what research you have seen suggesting effects on thyroid at 41 mg/day? The most common stable strontium salts are strontium sulfate and strontium carbonate,which are found in soils, and strontium citrate which is used for nutritional supplements. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Strontium citrate is not the kind of salt that you are concerned about this is sodium chloride, which does, if consumed in excess, cause an increase in blood pressure. One ounce of chia seeds about 3 tablespoons will give you 176.68 milligrams of calcium. My bones have been in excellent shape now for more than 6 years (within 6 months after I started taking AlgaeCal Plus), but I continue to take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost daily to ensure they stay healthy! Hope this helps! I am wondering if we whould be taking less stontium. You can always try taking strontium again after a months break to see if your symptoms recur.. Here it is copied below: Re strontium citrate not specifically being shown in the research: It has been clearly stated in the research that the strontium ions, NOT ranelic acid (ranelate) are what are producing the beneficial effects on bone. Sorry to hear youre experiencing nausea not fun! The reason for your headaches is not the citrate. No worries it took me months to figure this out. Recent studies have emphasized the . [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22640372), My personal thoughts overall: 2014 Oct 7;4(10):e005787. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. My favorite is plain, organic, whole milk Greek yogurt we have a dish full every night along with some berries or other fruit and a handful of nuts or gluten-free granola for dessert. pam. Regarding your skin it is extremely unlikely that strontium is the cause of your itchy bumps or chapped-feeling skin. Just prefer not to take anything that may have side effects. Following is my reply to your questions asking for 1) the exact amount of strontium that ends up as cortical bone and its incidence in making it weaker 2) to view the studies highlighting the assimilation of Strontium as trabecular bone. And dont hesitate to get in touch if I can be helpful. There are a number of important to me differences between the algae used in New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care (Aquamin) and that which is used for AlgaeCal (Algas calcareus). Stay gloriously well, Lara. Hello Lara, would you be so kind to post links to the most recent independent scientific studies and tests done on Strontium Citrate? FYI the amount of strontium provided in the full dose is not 682 mg. Strontium Boost is strontium citrate, which is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. Compared to the most conservative estimate for annual bone loss given above, AlgaeCal 1 had a positive mean annualized percent change (MAPC) in BMD of a gain of +1.15%. She does the bio-est, but is expensive and scary. 223-224. You may have heard about strontiums effects on DEXA bone scan readings. Id appreciate your response to these concerns. I now know that the strontium citrate was not likely too well absorbed, but are there any negative side effects of taking strontium citrate and eating a calcium rich meal? Specifically based on strontium levels and safety. Environ Res. Even after adjusting your score down by about 10%, an increase in bone density is still an increase! Can you give me some advice as to the best course I can take to prevent another fracture. But again, this is a trade-off that has to be weighed based on how acute your infection is and how quickly you need that doxycycline to get into your body. K. Niu, R. Ahola, H. Guo et al., Effect of office-based brief high-impact exercise on bone mineral density in healthy premenopausal women: the Sendai Bone Health Concept Study, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, vol. And following these recommendations is not only going to give you strong bones, but vibrant health overall. Well, I have to admit that I often forgot to take my strontium (and still often forget to take it as I try to take it at lunch time and am frequently working or out then) so it was the AlgaeCal Plus that made the difference for me. Lara, I never wanted to tie you up while I was moderating the discussion on NOF, but feel free to ask here. What you want to do is take your strontium at a time of day when you are NOT consuming any calcium. I expect you are consuming plenty of leafy greens and other vegetables rich in K1, right? I wish it were less complicated, and we could all just do exactly the same thing, and it would be just right for each of us but this is not how it is. I could feel a pin prick in my liver or kidney. As a medical editor/writer, I typically spend 3-4 hours every day scanning the research and bone health is my special interest, so thats how I learned about AlgaeCal. Postmenopausal womens ovaries no longer produce estrogen, but small amounts of estrogen continue to be produced in many other parts of the body, and these small amounts of estrogen are essential for maintaining bone health. Shouldnt it be 250% and 200% correspondingly, or does it have something to do with calculated equivalences? Hi Debra, Lara, I have just started with Strontium Citrate (also the 750mg dose). Both minerals share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will always choose to transport calcium rather than strontium from our digestive tract into our bloodstream. We have found the majority of patients we have screened need 5,000 IU /day or even more. As always thanks again for your insights. In terms of this small an amount of strontium having beneficial effects on bone as well as teeth I have not seen any research indicating this low a dose would be beneficial in bone. Nonetheless, from the papers I have read, 170 mg of elemental strontium has not been shown to be more effective in rebuilding bone although even the longer studies looked at no more than 2 years if I remember correctly. Hope that helps and that you feel better soon! And I am trying to be patient with myself. Hi Linda, This is relevant to me (lyme and severe osteoporosis) and with a pandemic of lyme (say the clinicians in the trenches treating lyme), this is probably relevant to a lot of your readers. Easiest if you could please take a look at this section above for the full discussion. Your doctor will be aware of the connection between hypothyroidism and hair loss, but may not be aware that hyperprolactinemia is another potential cause, so Im pasting in a recent citation on this here: Ziai M, Cifuentes L, Grosber M, et al. AlgaeCal has done and published six safety studies / Aquamin has one unpublished safety study Epub 2011 Sep 9. Not only are there no contraindications between the aromatase inhibitors and any of the minerals or vitamins in AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost or the omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin and astaxanthin in Triple Power, but each of these nutritional supplements will help lessen the bone loss! Alcohol. Phosphate, as well as calcium, significantly lowers strontium absorption. LIPUS stimulation on metastatic bone tumors induces differentiation of osteoblasts without proliferation of tumor cells. We hope to hear from you! Can I take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time? (2) The first study cited by Genuis et al. Health Canada claim pending. If strontium is high 1.03 rising from .043 8 months earlier and hair loss what would you suggest, check the kidney function?? I hope this information is helpful for you. The doses ranged from 100 to 750 mg/kg per day of strontium ranelate, corresponding to 34255 mg/kg per day of Sr21. It is true that calcium and strontium compete for absorption and calcium will win out in this competition, so maximum benefit from stontium will occur when large doses of calcium are not being ingested at the same time. You need both trace minerals to produce and utilize thyroid hormones. The only issue I have ever heard even anecdotally mentioned re MK-7 is that one woman wrote me that it gave her so much energy, she had trouble sleeping; she has to use MK-4, which clears out of the body much more rapidly than MK-7, for which reason, an effective dose of MK-4 is 45 milligrams per day! If you want to read more about all this, the head of the research team primarily involved (now at Harvard) is Alessio Fassano, MD. Dont know where you live in Canada, but if anywhere near Vancouver, BC, I will be giving 5 Wellness Series lectures for Factors Group discussing bone health in Vancouver Oct 22-24. And if I can beat it, truly, anyone can! What we can do is see how our body appears to be reacting in other words, how do you feel? In other words, whether your bone density increases or not, strontium reduces your risk of breaking a bone! , you might benefit greatly from N-acetyl cysteineespecially if you can have your doctor order it as an inhalation solution of Glutathione [60 mg/mL] + NAC [125 mg/mL] to be taken with a nebulizer only compounding pharmacies provide this. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). Is this a safe combination? PMID: 21925296: In animal research, female rats whose ovaries had been removed (the standard protocol used to simulate human menopause) were given strontium chloride over a 2-month period. When our nerves send a muscle cell a signal to fire, the muscle cell responds by allowing a flood of calcium to enter, and it is calciums entry into the muscle cell that initiates the cascade of reactions that result in making the muscle cell contract. Hi Connie, thank you Calcif Tissue Int. Unfortunately, we arent familiar with the safety of canned sardines for dogs. I will do my best to help you. I take a Progessive MultiVitamin for women over 50 three times a day as suggested. excellent responses to queries i would like to know in what dosages do one has to Kind regards Effect of impact exercise on bone mineral density in elderly women with low BMD: a population-based randomized controlled 30-month intervention, Osteoporosis International, vol. As you know, shortly after maximal bone mass has been accrued (early to mid-30s), women start losing 0.5-1% of their BMD annually, a loss that accelerates to 2% or more during menopause and continues for as many as 10 years afterwards. Hi Tyler, Let me know how she is doing, Lara, I was taking 680 strontium citrate, 1130 calcium and 450 magnesium citrate. Delighted you are working with a receptive physician! Hope this helps. Classic symptoms include widespread rash, fever, and involvement of one or more internal organs. Ranelic acid was claimed to be completely inert and to be completely eliminated from the body. If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) Be sure to check your multivitamin as well to ensure there is no more than 150 mg of calcium. "Know that, ma'am." "Then why are you" "Three ways to do this, ma'am." Low incidence of GMO foods, but the rubbish is sneaking in, our politicians, all being lawyers, plus an occasional farmer, make stupid scientific decisions, so GMOs are getting in. 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why take strontium on empty stomach was last modified: September 3rd, 2020 by
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why take strontium on empty stomach